Month: February 2019

INDONESIA for the WORLD Painting Exhibition at Tugu Kunstkring Paleis Jakarta

Tugu Kunstkring Paleis Art Gallery Jakarta is hosting a painting exhibition this month of March. Jupri Abdullah’s 55 Years of art exhibition; “INDONESIA for the WORLD” Opening date is on March 18th at the Art Space 2nd floor; until April 8th. For More Info Phone +62 21 390 0899 Email : Kunstkring Art Gallery …

Chinese New Year and Valentines day special cocktail

Chinese New Year and Valentine’s day special cocktail  Add a strong dash of romance into yourlife this February La Vie en Rose Sangria 135k/glass 840k/pitcher Scarlett Heart Sangria 125k/glass 750k/pitcher Subject to 21% tax  & service charge HOTEL TUGU MALANG Melati Restaurant : +6281 136 34443 Ph +62 341 363 891   | E:

INDONESIA CULTURAL DINING SERIES 39 – Karna Sang Kusuma at Hotel Tugu Malang

INDONESIA CULTURAL DINING SERIES  39 Karna Sang Kusuma Exclusively at TIRTA GANGGA A rare opportunity to witness the celebrated young wayang puppeteer Kii Bayu Surya Kusumalaksana and his talented artists in an exotic wayang dance and gamelan orchestra depicting “Adipati Karna” from the ancient Mahabharata epic. Indonesia’s Best Cultural Dining Series Limited Seats Friday, February …

Babah & Njonja Oei Chinese Peranakan Dinner at Hotel Tugu Bali

To welcome the Year of the Pig, Hotel Tugu Bali is determined to bring back the festivities in 1950’s Batavia. From the auspicious Lohei Yusheng prosperity toss salad all the way to the sweetest dessert in a lavish 7 course dinner. Usher in the Chinese New Year with this colorful Yusheng and nostalgic dishes at …

The Secret Cuisine Of Njonja Babah Hotel Tugu Malang

The Babah Njonja community’s closely guarded secrets of culinary cuisine and culture will be unveiled at Melati Restaurant Hotel Tugu in Malang. Besides zooming in on the history of Peranakan food, which uniquely combines Chinese, Malay and other influences, the culinary experience also guides guests in the spices used in Njonja food.   From February …