Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: AyoMakan Siapa sih yang gak kenal dengan Bali? Pulau surganya para wisatawan baik dalam negeri maupun asing. Banyak destinasi wisata alam maupun budaya yang keren dan menakjubkan, salah satu kawasan di Bali yang jadi pusat adalah Canggu. Yuph, Canggu gak hanya menawarkan destinasi wisata yang …
Month: December 2023
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: BP-Guide Anda yang mencari pengalaman kuliner yang tak terlupakan di Jakarta Pusat pasti tahu bahwa kota ini menyimpan berbagai destinasi fine dining yang menawarkan cita rasa mewah dan elegan. Di tengah hiruk pikuknya ibu kota, restoran-restoran ini mampu menciptakan oasis gastronomi yang menawan bagi Anda …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Louise From Canggu and Seminyak to Uluwatu and Sanur, here’s our pick of the best beachfront restaurants in Bali with spectacular ocean views… Bali is best known for its stunning beaches and world-class surf – but that’s not all you’ll find on Bali’s pristine …
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: NUSADAILY.COM – MALANG – Tak terasa penghujung tahun 2023 hanya tinggal menghitung hari, semoga harapan dan peluang baru yang dinanti selalu terbuka lebar sepanjang tahun 2024. Melengkapi suka cita malam pergantian tahun baru, SaigonSan Garden Café & Rooftop by Kawisari dari Hotel Tugu Malang …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: NOW Bali Editorial Team New Years Eve in Bali is set to be big this year, it’s going to be quite the celebration across the island. Hotels, restaurants and venues have prepared exciting occasions from dinners to countdown parties to celebrate New Years Eve …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Dhina Chahyanti TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Come aboard a voyage into the art, soul, and romance of Indonesia with Tugu Hotels as you step into a festive wonderland. Committed to preserving Indonesia’s cultural treasures, at Tugu it’s not just about the stunning arts and …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Louise Looking to live it up in Canggu? Here are our fave hotels and resorts for your next vacay in Bali’s up-and-coming boho neighbourhood. A refreshing change to the urban sprawl of Seminyak and a world away from the luxury enclave of Nusa Dua, …
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: Dewi Anggriani Siregar Perayaan Natal tahun 2023 kian dekat, berbagai kegiatan untuk menyematakan momen spesial ini pun tentu telah dipersiapkan. Pasar Keliling dan Tugu Kunstkring Paleis dengan antusias menghadirkan “The Magic of Christmas Market,” sebuah event tahunan yang menjadi sorotan utama di kalangan pecinta seni, …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Ron Gluckman A strong metric for charting regional capitals is by the sophistication of their food scenes. We loosen our belts and make a case for Jakarta. “YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS” says chef Ragil Imam Wibowo, popping in from his kitchen, bearing a …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Yogi Times What’s in the Bali vacation travel guide? Over the years we have discovered remarkable places that would suit a variety of budgets and tastes. Find the tastiest and most creative healthy restaurants, scenic and original boutique hotels, markets or stores with an …
With beats from DJ Simo White, let’s usher in 2023 in style. Enjoy our 180-degree panoramic views over the sparkling Indian Ocean, indulge in the artistry of Japanese contemporary cuisine and sip on Asian-inspired cocktails from sunset to the stroke of midnight! Reservation and information: 08113889599 or Follow us online: Official Site: Facebook: …
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: Arliani Hai, Kopinians! Sudah siap menjelajahi dunia cafe di Jakarta Pusat yang kece dan instagramable bareng Minkop? Jika sudah, Minkop punya 10 rekomendasi tempat nongkrong super keren yang bakal memikat hati dan feed Instagram kamu, lho! Dimulai dari Arborea Cafe yang memesona dengan suasana hutan …