Solusi Pengembangan Komoditas Kopi (viva.co.id)

Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh viva.co.id. Baca DI SINI. Penulis: I Gede Alfian Septamiarsa     Kopi menjadi komoditas yang trend dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia. Terlihat dari menjamurnya warung kopi, kedai kopi, dan coffee shop di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Berbagai jenis kopi dapat dijumpai seperti Kopi Gayo Aceh, Kopi Arabika, Kopi Robusta, Kopi Liberica, Kopi Kawisari …

Merespon Tren, Tugu Hotels Luncurkan Selai Hingga Madu Artisan (femina.co.id)

Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Femina. Baca DI SINI. Penulis: Trifitria Nuragustina   Kalangan urban kini senang mengisi pantry dapurnya dengan produk artisan. Dibuat terbatas dan lebih saksama, diiringi narasi kearifan lokal, mengikuti selera konsumen yang kini berkembang. Mencari sesuatu yang membawa impact ke sekitar, juga menggerakkan pergeseran pilihan ini. Femina terbawa ke sebuah percakapan menarik …

From The Oldest Coffee Plantation in Java to The Suites of Tugu Hotels (whatsnewindonesia.com)

The original article was published in WhatsNewIndonesia. Writer: Julia   On the slopes of Mount Kawi in East Java, Tugu group’s very own Kawisari Coffee Plantation is situated on 850 hectares fertile volcanic land that produces award winning coffee and organic produces that supplies all hotels and restaurants from the group. From the finest of …

Kawisari Coffee, A Sip From One of Java’s Oldest Coffee Plantations (nowbali.co.id)

The original article was published in NOW!Bali. Writer: NOW!Bali editorial team   Hailing from Java, Kawisari Coffee brings with it not only the flavours grown in Indonesia’s rich soils, but also a history of coffee in this country. Indonesia has a long-standing reputation as one of the world’s top coffee producing countries. From Toraja coffee …

Tugu Kawisari Coffee Fulfills Your Caffeine Needs For A Cup Of Premium Java At Home (whatsnewindonesia.com)

The original article was published in WhatsNewIndonesia. Writer: WhatsNewIndonesia   Founded by the Tugu Group, the Tugu Kawisari Coffee was first introduced to the guests of the Tugu Hotels and its restaurants. Ever so popular with the guests, Tugu Kawisari Coffee is now available for purchase through its new website or from its shop in …

Get the Best Taste of Java Coffee with Tugu Kawisari Coffee

The original article was published in Times Indonesia. Read HERE. Editor: Khodijah Siti   TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Java Island is known to be where some of the world’s finest coffee is grown. And the same with what Tugu Kawisari Coffee -a brand of coffee founded by Tugu Gorup- has for their customers. Tugu Kawisari Coffee …

Manjakan Lidah Kembali dengan Masakan dari 5 Restoran Ini ( by mobiliarigroup.com)

The original article was published in Mobiliari Group. Read HERE. Writer: Hesikios Kevin   Walaupun masih berada dalam kondisi PPKM, bukan berarti harus mengorbankan lidah untuk tidak mengecap rasa masakan yang nikmat. Berikut adalah beberapa rekomendasi restaurant yang wajib dicoba selama masa PPKM berlangsung. Kawisari Cafe & Eatery Jakarta Sejak pembukaan pintunya di tahun 2019, …

Oasis of Flavours ( by Tatler Indonesia )

The original article was published in Tatler Indonesia. Read HERE. Writer: Tatler Indonesia   Delivery options from some of the town’s best choices for a change of scenery and seasonality during prolonged time spent at home KAWISARI CAFÉ Since its opening in 2019, Tugu Kawisari Café has received praises, especially for its local delicacies. As …

Duduk Ditemani Semilir Angin di Rooftop Kebon Sirih (By CNN Indonesia)

The original article was published in CNN Indonesia. Read HERE. Writer: CNN Indonesia   Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Bukan cuma memiliki menu yang enak dan murah, saat ini tempat kongko seperti restoran, kafe, dan bar juga dituntut untuk menawarkan suasana yang aman dengan protokol pencegahan virus corona. Pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat di DKI Jakarta memang sudah …

Tugu Kawisari Coffee Fulfills Your Caffeine Needs For A Cup Of Premium Java At Home (By Whats New Indonesia)

The original article was published in WhatsNewIndonesia. Writer: WhatsNewIndonesia   Founded by the Tugu Group, the Tugu Kawisari Coffee was first introduced to the guests of the Tugu Hotels and its restaurants. Ever so popular with the guests, Tugu Kawisari Coffee is now available for purchase through its new website or from its shop in …

Tugu Kawisari Mooncake Treasures

Considered as the second-most important holiday after Chinese New Year, The Mid-Autumn Festival is a 3,000 years old traditional festival celebrated by Chinese and the Peranakan communities all over the Nusantara archipelago. The Mid-Autumn festival may vary from country to country, but most of them focus on family gatherings, special food, lanterns, and offerings to …

Get the Best Taste of Java Coffee with Tugu Kawisari Coffee

The original article was published in Times Indonesia. Read HERE. Writer: Khodijah Siti   TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Java Island is known to be where some of the world’s finest coffee is grown. And the same with what Tugu Kawisari Coffee -a brand of coffee founded by Tugu Group- has for their customers. Tugu Kawisari Coffee were first …