Ramadhan Feastival at Tugu Kunstkring Paleis

ramadhan festival at tugu kunstkring paleis

Ramadhan Feastival During Ramadhan, break every fast with the complimentary sweet-swelling exotic Teas accompanied by a handful of delicious Arabic dates, followed by our gourmet featuring a number of delightfully cuisines, like ‘Kambing Panggang Beduin’, juicy succulent Australian lamb cooked between two giant hot burning stone plates. Originally cooked inside a dug hole in the …

Dapur Babah Restaurant Won Tripadvisor’s Certificate of Excellence 2014

certificate of excellence 2014 winner tripadvisor - dapur babah

Dapur Babah Élite is pleased to announce that we have been awarded with a 2014 Certificate of Excellence by TripAdvisor. This prestigious award recognizes businesses that consistently earn top ratings from TripAdvisor travelers. We would like to thank all of our fans and visitors for the support! http://www.tuguhotels.com/restaurants/jakarta/dapurbabahelite/