Jubileum 100 Jaaren Kunstkring: A Private Collection of Tugu Hotels

jubilee celebrating 100 years of kunstkring

Stretching far since hundreds of years ago, the Indonesian archipelago has a historically distinguished diversity in population. This diversity has forged the fascinating uniqueness of cultures, as well as profound sensitivity and respect for the historical and artistic value of various art works from around the world. The inequality of information dissemination and the domination …

Black Fish – Never Capture What You Can’t Control

blackfish - never capture what you can't control by gabriela cowperthwaite at hotel tugu bali

Black Fish Movie Screening Documentary which unravels the story of notorious performing whale Tilikum. This emotionally-wrenching, tautly-structured story challenges us to consider our relationship to nature and reveals how little we humans have learned from these highly intelligent and enormously sentient. At Hotel Tugu Bali : Bale Agung 28th February 2014 Start 5 PM Buffet …