Certificate Of Recognition

embassy of the united states of america - certificate of recognition anhar setjadibrata tugu group on the lunch of 'tugu kunstkring paleis' jakarta, 17 april 2013

Certificate Of Recognition  . On July 17th, 2013, the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, represented by its Trade Attaché, Mr. Jesse M Lapierre awarded a Certificate of Recognition to the Tugu Kunstkring Paleis. The award was received personally by the founder of Tugu Hotels, Exotic Spas & Restaurants Group, Mr Anhar Setjadibrata. This Certificate Of Recognition …

Hotel Tugu Bali, Hotel Tugu Malang and Hotel Tugu Lombok have been selected to be members of Secret Retreats.

secret retreats

Hotel Tugu Bali, Hotel Tugu Malang and Hotel Tugu Lombok have been selected to be members of Secret Retreats.Secret Retreats is a collection of some of the finest boutique residences, hotels and boats throughout Asia owned by passionate individuals, arts and antique aficionados, and lovers of fine foods https://www.secret-retreats.com/hotels/indonesia/bali/tugu-bali

What would it take to change the world? Rotary’s 1.2 million members believe it starts with a commitment to Service Above Self.

what would it take to change the world rotarys 1-2 million members believe it starts with a commitment to service above self

  What would it take to change the world? Rotary’s 1.2 million members believe it starts with a commitment to Service Above Self. In more than 34,000 clubs worldwide, you’ll find member volunteering in communities at home and abroad to support education and job training, provide clean water, combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, and …

Lontong Tjap Go Meh

lontong tjap go meh at dapurbabah restaurant

   Empat belas ari sesoeda Taoen Baroe Imlek tiba waktoenja oentoek perajaan Malem Tjap Go Meh njang ditandai dengen makan-makan lontong istimewa sebagai tanda berakhirnja perajaan Taoen Baroe Imlek yang didasarkan pada peritoengan taoen boelan. Sesoeai dengen tradisi, biasanja sesoeda Taoen Baroe Tjina, mereka akan saling mengoenjoengi satoe dengen njang lainnja, dan saling bertoekar-toekar kado …

Imlek telah dirayakan oleh keluarga-keluarga Babah di Indonesia

imlek telah dirayakan oleh keluarga keluarga babah di indonesia

  Imlek telah dirayakan oleh keluarga-keluarga Babah di Indonesia seminggu yang lalu. Disetiap rumah keluarga Babah, sehari menjelang Imlek, terdapat meja persembahyangan yang dimana dapat dijumpai belasan macam lauk pauk yang lezat, manisan, minuman, rokok, arak putih, buah-buahan. Pada sore hari menjelang malam, biasanya acara persembahyangan dimulai. Kepala keluarga atau yang dituakan memulai acara dengan …