Tugu & Friends’ Library For North Lombok

In the months following the earthquake more than a year ago, we found that thousands of children in North Lombok villages had no access to any books. During that time, with the help of Tugu friends and guests, we supplied thousands of basic math & reading books for emergency schools, so that schools could restart immediately.

But books were actually never available to these kids even before the earthquake. There is not one single library, and there is no access to any books including science, geography, biology, art, history, technology, encyclopedia, or just plain kids storybooks to get them to love reading. Generally families do not have extra money for books as they are considered expensive. Many families just don’t understand the importance of reading for their children. The quality of education is barely reaching the level required by the government. And this is where you can help.

Our Tugu Lombok family has started a library for the children of North Lombok, at the front part of the hotel. To start with, we are aiming to serve the children in the village of Sire and north of us all the way to Gangga. The children in the surrounding village can come and borrow books at our library, whereas the villages further away, we will drive books for them to borrow on a schedule once a week. One day, with your help, our aim is to cover more and more villages in north Lombok that are often forgotten.

We are requesting donations of used books in Bahasa Indonesia and in English, for children of all ages. If you prefer to send us funds to purchase books locally, we have a special deal of reduced price with Gramedia and every purchase will be accounted for.  The Lombok funds can be sent to the account listed below.

Account number:  011-326-1100
Account name:  Wedya Julianti or Lucienne Kristi Anhar
Bank:  BCA Malang
Jalan Basuki Rahmat 70-74, Malang, East Java 65111, Indonesia
Tel (0341) 364500
Paypal: sales@tuguhotels.com

If you are a guest at Tugu hotels or restaurants in our locations across Jakarta, Java or Bali, you may prefer to contact our reception/team to help. Guests are welcome to join our mobile library trips, and also attend or co-teach our Saturday English classes for the nearby children. Donors name will be listed at our library.

Many thanks from the bottom of our hearts for your contribution to brighten the future of the children of Lombok, this beautiful island that we love so much.