The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Sarasvati TIMESINDONESIA, DENPASAR – The recently concluded Bali & Beyond Travel Fair, held on June 14-17, 2023, was a remarkable experience for the team at Kawisari Coffee Farm Shop & Eatery Bali. The team were thrilled to support the Ministry of Tourism and Creative …
Month: June 2023
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Louise Cocktails at the ready – these sunset bars, beach clubs & oceanfront restaurants are the island’s all-star venues when it comes to wining, dining & watching a postcard-perfect Bali sunset. Ain’t nuthin’ better than a well-timed tipple, especially when you’re watching a jaw-dropping …
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: Dhina Chahyanti TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Metamorph by Zack, desainer ternama asal Malang yang konsisten dengan kids wear dan evening gown for kids, kembali menggelar Contemporary Kids Fashion Show yang diadakan di Hotel Tugu Malang pada hari Sabtu, 17 Juni 2023. Untuk kesekian kalinya, desainer muda …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Abe Lea Canggu is the best. Not only will you have the opportunity to ride epic rolling waves, but the pure vibes of this beach getaway will most likely leave you a little sunkissed. Set on some of Bali’s thriving coastline, this tropical haven …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Louise Looking to live it up in Canggu? Here are our fave hotels and resorts for your next vacay in Bali’s up-and-coming boho neighbourhood. A refreshing change to the urban sprawl of Seminyak and a world away from the luxury enclave of Nusa Dua, …
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: Gafageh Hotel Tugu Lombok adalah tempat yang memadukan keindahan alam yang menakjubkan dengan kekayaan budaya Indonesia yang kaya. Terletak di pantai yang indah di Lombok Barat, hotel ini menawarkan pengalaman liburan yang unik dan tak terlupakan bagi para tamu. Dengan arsitektur yang terinspirasi dari warisan …
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: Khadafi Di kota Jakarta yang ramai, menemukan restoran yang nyaman untuk bersantai dan menikmati hidangan lezat adalah pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Baik Anda penduduk lokal maupun pengunjung, anda dapat berwisata kuliner di jakarta yang menawarkan beragam tempat makan yang cocok untuk berbagai selera dan preferensi. Dalam …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: NOW! Jakarta Wrapped in mystery and myth, with narratives at times too long to tell in full, the many destinations of the Tugu Hotels and Restaurants offer a whimsical journey into Indonesia’s magical past. Jakarta is not yet blessed with a ‘Hotel Tugu’ as …
The recently concluded Bali & Beyond Travel Fair, held on June 14-17, 2023, was a remarkable experience for the team at Kawisari Coffee Farm Shop & Eatery Bali. The team were thrilled to support the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy booth by showcasing the award-winning Java coffee, sourced directly from one of the …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Jack Orchard Bali is trying to regain control of its tourists by closing mountains and banning ‘bonking’ With unruly tourist behaviour on the rise on the Indonesian island, authorities are issuing official guidance and even implementing bans It seems that hardly a day goes …
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Baca DI SINI. Penulis: Dhina Chahyanti TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Malang merupakan kota yang mempunyai sederet tempat makan yang menyajikan kuliner khas Negara lain. Berbicara mengenai kuliner, pernahkah anda mencicipi lezatnya kenikmatan masakan ala Indochina? Masakan khas yang mendapatkan pengaruh dari akulturasi budaya tentu saja memiliki cita rasa yang unik …
The original article was published by Read HERE. Writer: Joannes Rhino Coffee is the life force for many people living on the planet. The smell of fresh brewing coffee is something that has been keeping them alive since ever. Because of its high demand, coffee shops in Bali are popping up drastically for …