Biorock In Hotel Tugu Lombok


The Sire beach where Hotel Tugu Lombok is located, known to many as simply the most beautiful, picturesque, quietest hotel beach in Lombok, a smooth, soft white sand beach made of very fine coral.

Not very much known before, about 3 years ago we had built a wildly artistic Biorock structure (artificial reefs, aim to create a coral reef and generate marine life around it), powered by solar panel, planted at the end of the reef platter, on the shape of Tugu’s signature barong (the one we use as our logo), symbolizing the ancient mythological animal of Indonesia. Now everyone can access the barge by swimming or canoeing and then snorkel around to observe this amazing structure growing colorful corals and welcoming so many fish and creatures.

Seeing them grow from nothing to a colorful array of rich underwater life brings us such happiness that we must share it with as many people as possible. The Biorock structure has a floating barge on top of it for guests to sunbathe on and relax. This is part of an eco system that supports a nearby coral reef.