Empat belas ari sesoeda Taoen Baroe Imlek tiba waktoenja oentoek perajaan Malem Tjap Go Meh njang ditandai dengen makan-makan lontong istimewa sebagai tanda berakhirnja perajaan Taoen Baroe Imlek yang didasarkan pada peritoengan taoen boelan. Sesoeai dengen tradisi, biasanja sesoeda Taoen Baroe Tjina, mereka akan saling mengoenjoengi satoe dengen njang lainnja, dan saling bertoekar-toekar kado …
Djamoe (the old spelling of ‘jamu’, traditional all-natural elixir drinks made of roots, leaves, flowers, seeds and herbs) is archetypal of centuries-old beliefs of wellbeing and healing, with secret recipes passed on from one generation to another, all through the archipelago but most strongly in the island of Java. Indonesian women, and men, believed that …
Imlek telah dirayakan oleh keluarga-keluarga Babah di Indonesia seminggu yang lalu. Disetiap rumah keluarga Babah, sehari menjelang Imlek, terdapat meja persembahyangan yang dimana dapat dijumpai belasan macam lauk pauk yang lezat, manisan, minuman, rokok, arak putih, buah-buahan. Pada sore hari menjelang malam, biasanya acara persembahyangan dimulai. Kepala keluarga atau yang dituakan memulai acara dengan …
Hotel Tugu Lombok, our youngest Tugu hotel, has kick-started programs to benchmark against the Green Global 21, a Global Benchmarking certification and improvement system that assists the International Travel and Tourism industry to attain sustainability. We are implementing a Clean and Green campaign in the local community. This program involves local schools in the area …
Celebrate the auspicious beginning of the Chinese year of the water snake with sumptuous Asian noodles at your second dining table, Melati Restaurant – Hotel Tugu Malang. https://www.tuguhotels.com/hotels/malang/
Let’s discover the quintessence of being in love at Melati Restaurant – Hotel Tugu Malang with Aphrodisiac Valentine’s Menu
Kecak Dance tells the story of the Ramayana epic, taken from the old history of Mahabharata. The story revolves around the brave Rama, the protagonist, and his beautiful wife Sita, the rightful king and queen of the kingdom of Ayodya who have been unjustly banished to the forest due to palace intrigues. In the forest …
Hotel Tugu Malang is proud to host a special wine tasting with the renowned Indonesian Wine Expert, YOHAN HANDOYO, A wine story teller by day and a wine ninja by night, the author of the only wine book written in Bahasa “Rahasia Wine” will present to you the exciting, inspiring and tasty world of wines. …
Tugu Bali supports the Dolphin Project, which educates people about dolphins captivity and how to help. On 9th February, Hotel Tugu Bali is proud to welcome Mr. Ric O’Barry himself, the famous producer and founder of the project, and we will host the movie screening of his Academy Award-winning film ”The Cove” (2009) . R.S.V.P …
Congratulation for the winners ! 1) Rizki Dian Fitrianto. One night stay at the luxurious Dedari Suite with plunge pool or Rejang Suite with oceanview at Hotel Tugu Bali on the sun and surf Canggu Beach, the setting of one of the most stunning sunset ever. 2) Julia Beckner One night stay at Hotel Tugu …
Tugu Bali’s New Years Eve party invites you to step into the magical realm of the old & new, the exotic romance of Indonesia. In this most exciting night of the year, we will present you marvelous Indonesian Mystical Live Art of REOG PONOROGO, Bonfire on the Beach, Lavish Gala Dinner and Live Band to …
Sunset at Sire Beach, Hotel Tugu Lombok On the pristine white sand beach of Sire, northwest of Lombok island, Hotel Tugu lies amidst almost nothing else. The clear blue water sharply cut with a line of splashing water was a preamble to an idyllic getaway where nothing should be put on schedule. …