Tag Archives: Tugu Hotels & Restaurants

What’s on Ji – December Special

Ji's December specials

What’s on Ji Ji’s December specials Festive season is here! Celebrate this month with Ji’s December specials from the freshest sushi in town, melt-in-the-mouth wagyu with sake pairing to sipping a glass of cocktail or wine while soaking in gorgeous sunset and open starry sky. Too Late for Lunch, Too Early for Dinner? Enjoy a lazy …

Give 2020 A Sweet Closure – Year End Holidays with Tugu Hotels

YEAR END HOLIDAYS WITH TUGU HOTELS While 2020 has flown by in a blink of an eye, it’s almost always mandatory to reflect on the passing year to plan ahead for the coming year. Spend meaningful time with loved ones in the best destinations with our irresistible offers for your year end holidays. HOTEL TUGU …

10 Fun Indoor Activities For When It’s Raining in Bali

The original article was published in Now Bali. Writer: NOW Bali Editorial Team   October to January in Bali is notorious for its wet weather, not a good season for many sun-seeking vacationers. As the rainy season kicks in, the beaches become a little less appealing but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of your …