Month: December 2020

Hotel Tugu Bali dan Lombok Raih Sertifikasi CHSE

Dengan selalu mengimplementasikan standar protokol kebersihan dan kesehatan yang ketat, Hotel Tugu Bali berhasil mendapatkan hasil memuaskan pada uji sertifikasi CHSE (Clean, Health, Safety, and environment) dari Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (KEMENPAREKRAF). Sebelumnya, Hotel Tugu Lombok juga telah mengantongi sertifikat CHSE ini serta Safe Hotels – CovidClean sejak bulan November lalu.  KEMENPAREKRAF telah menetapkan …

Hotel Tugu Bali Hosted Jackson Mullane with Chamber Orchestra

Jackson Mullane

Hotel Tugu Bali recently hosted a successful concert by Australian neo-classical pianist/composer, Jackson Mullane, in collaboration with chamber orchestra, on Monday, December 21, 2020. Those privileged to be among the very select Bali audience were treated for witnessing his evocative piano playing and soaring orchestral melodies. The concert was set at the Bale Agung, Hotel …

Hotel Tugu Malang Raih East Java Tourism Awards 2020

Hotel Tugu Malang Raih East Java Tourism Awards 2020

Hotel Tugu Malang berhasil meraih penghargaan untuk kategori Hotel Bintang 5 Terbaik pada ajang East Java Tourism Awards (EJTA) 2020. Penghargaan ini diberikan pada malam puncak acara (20/12) yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur di Kabupaten Lamongan. Keberhasilan Hotel Tugu Malang untuk menyabet penghargaan ini didasari atas sertifikasi protokol COVID-19 yang selama ini diberikan …

Happy Holidays to You!

Celebrate festive season with our selected dining experiences at Tugu Hotels & Restaurants. Whether you prefer to have an intimate dinner with a loved one or even with your family, we have specially prepared an authentic local cuisine and international festive foods to enjoy to celebrate these festivities. Hotel Tugu Bali Christmas Romantic Dinner at …

Jackson Mullane Live in Concert with Chamber Orchestra at Hotel Tugu Bali

Hotel Tugu Bali presents a magical cultural evening by Australian neo-classical pianist/ composer, Jackson Mullane, in collaboration with chamber orchestra, at the grand Bale Agung hall. With his evocative piano playing and soaring orchestral melodies, Australia composer Jackson Mullane writes music that speaks directly to the heart. His compositions are romantic and cinematic, emotionally engaging …

What’s on Ji – December Special

Ji's December specials

What’s on Ji Ji’s December specials Festive season is here! Celebrate this month with Ji’s December specials from the freshest sushi in town, melt-in-the-mouth wagyu with sake pairing to sipping a glass of cocktail or wine while soaking in gorgeous sunset and open starry sky. Too Late for Lunch, Too Early for Dinner? Enjoy a lazy …

Give 2020 A Sweet Closure – Year End Holidays with Tugu Hotels

YEAR END HOLIDAYS WITH TUGU HOTELS While 2020 has flown by in a blink of an eye, it’s almost always mandatory to reflect on the passing year to plan ahead for the coming year. Spend meaningful time with loved ones in the best destinations with our irresistible offers for your year end holidays. HOTEL TUGU …

Hotel Tugu Bali Sukses Menyelenggarakan Konser Joey Alexander

konser Joey Alexander

Hotel Tugu Bali baru-baru ini sukses menyelenggarakan konser Joey Alexander – Homecoming pada hari Sabtu, 5 Desember 2020. Mereka yang hadir sangat beruntung untuk menjadi salah satu dari 130 penonton Bali terpilih,karena disuguhi suguhan musik langka dari musisi muda berbakatyang tengah bersinar di kancah musik dunia, dan diperikakan akan melebihi kesuksesan para pendahulunya. Untuk konsernya …

Hotel Tugu Bali Hosts Joey Alexander Concert

joey alexander

Hotel Tugu Bali recently hosted a successful Joey Alexander’s Homecoming concert on Saturday, December 5, 2020. Those privileged to be among the very select Bali audience of 130 were treated for witnessing the rare musical treat of a young musical star mid-flight on a meteoritic trajectory for parts unplumbed by all who came before. Joey …