July 10, 2014- DayakAncient Wisdom – The Journey Back
Indonesian based professional photographer David Metcalf is leading an expedition on20 August, 2014 to take 6 Kenyah Dayaks from North Kalimantan back to their original village, deep in the forest and home to thespiritual burial grounds of their ancestors. It is an8-day journey up the Kayan River to Long Saan.
Accompanying David and the Dayaks will be a documentary filmmaker, a Native American Indian and cultural ambassador, a young talented Balinese musician from the Indonesia band Navicula, and a Javanese local conservation guide.
“Kalimantan is one of the most ecologically diverse landscapes on the planet and we want to raise awareness about the Dayak people that live in the forests and wild rivers of this beautiful island,” said David.
The cultural connection between Native Americans and Dayaks is unique as they share many similarities and this is the first time that a journey involving these two cultures has been undertaken.
“On the journey we will have people representing 7 different countries. This journey is about connecting cultures through dance, song, art and ancient wisdom. I believe through creating a wider expression and voice for indigenous cultures globally, we can find common ground through music and dance and ancestral prayers. “
The purpose of the journey is to raise awareness in Indonesia and internationally about the importance and wisdom of indigenous cultures globally.
The team will be making a documentary film for release in Indonesia and abroad later in the year.
On 12 August a fund raising event hosted by the New Zealand Ambassador will open a 4 week Premier Photographic Exhibition of David Metcalf: A Celebration of Indonesian Culture at Tugu Kunstkring Paleis, Jakarta. Exhibition runs 12 August – 8 September.
On August 18 there will be a very special event at the US Ambassadors residence in Jakarta where Kevin Locke, the Lakota Sioux Native American will speak and perform alongside Dayak Dancers from Kalimantan. “Never before have Native Americans and the Dayak people connected in this way. It will be a very special occasion and celebration of the wisdom and history of these cultures,” David said.
On 19 August aFREE performance will take place at 6.30pm@America, Pacific Place,Jakarta.
For more information or to arrange an interview by email with David please contact
+62 8111331255 or davidmetcalf3[at]mac[dot]com