East Indies from Ian Burnet

east indies book review from ian burnet at tugu kunstkring paleis

East Indies Flyer HI-RES


Tugu Kunstkring Paleis
-proudly presents-

Book Review
East Indies
Ian Burnet

The 200 year struggle for trade supremacy between the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the English across the Eastern Seas, which had been transformed into colonial powers.

Ian Burnet, has spent thirty years, living, working and travelling in Indonesia, and is fascinated by the diverse history and cultures of the archipelago.

East Indies, his second book , begins in the port city of Malacca, and tells the story of the 200 year struggle between the Portuguese Crown, the Dutch East India Company and the English East India Company for trade supremacy in the eastern Seas.

It follows the rise of the world’s first joint stock and multinational trading companies and their conversion to huge colonial states ruling over millions people of Indonesia, India and Malaya.

The book documents as well the founding of the historic port city of Batavia ( Jakarta) and concludes with the founding of the modern port cities of Sinapore and Hongkong.

His first book, ‘Spice Islands’, tells the 2000 year history of the spice trade from the Moluccas of Eastern Indonesia through China, India and the Middle East until the spices reached Europe. It was the lure of the fabled Spice islands and exotic spices such as cloves and nutmegs that drove ‘The Age of Discovery’ and the first circumnavigation of our planet.

‘Spice Islands’ has been described  as ‘a wonderful book – a triumph of passion and scholarship’

Ian lives with his family in Sydney, Australia, and is currently researching another book on Indonesia’s fascinating history. www.ianburnetbooks.com

Sunday, February, 9th 2014
At the Art & Performance Hall, 03.00 – 06.00 PM Tugu Kunstkring Paleis
Ticket price IDR 100.000,-, incl coffee, tea and snacks
Book Now :
Tugu Kunstkring Paleis
TEL (021) 390-0899