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Writer: Dhina Chahyanti
TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – This masterpiece suite is dedicated to honor King Jayawarman II from the end of the 8th century and also King Suryawarman II who built Angkor Temple in Cambodia at the beginning of the 12th century.
The story describes Jayawarman II as a young prince who came from or once lived in Java and built a powerful kingdom in Champa at the end of the 8th century. He ruled the kingdom for 48 years. During that period of time, the region, which is presently known as Cambodia, was still in the form of small separated kingdoms.
Four hundred years later (approx, dated 1113), Suryawarman II built the Angkor Temple in Siem Reap and carved 2000 Apsara dancers on its walls. It is believed that the dancers were the splash of the holy water when the Gods and the demons worked together to squeeze the ocean to find the Elixir of Immortality. The Apsaras on the temple’s walls were meant to be the dancers for the Gods, Kings, and Heroes.
In the Legend, it’s said that during his very deep meditations and prayers, Jayawarman II always asked for the most beautiful dancer to be his queen. His very serious meditation and prayers vacillated heaven. This disturbance made the Chief of Gods send some Gods to descend to the earth and find out what was happening. Being unable to make the prince end his meditation, the Gods asked the Chief of God to grant his prayers.
Later the Chief of Gods sent the most beautiful Apsara from heaven to persuade the prince. She danced for the prince on the night of the full moon for three full moons behind the clouds and the shadow of the moon. In the end, the Chief of Gods announced that the three full moons almost came to an end and Apsara was not allowed to return to earth. When the third full moon finally ended, Apsara decided to remain on the earth beside the Prince although she realized she wouldn’t be able to return to heaven forever. The choice was made since she was touched by the perseverance of the Prince to marry her.
Anhar Setjadibrata, the founder of Hotel Tugu Malang and Bali, through the Apsara Suite, wants to remind people about the close relationship between Indonesia and Cambodia in the past. It was a very romantic moment with a special value relationship that is almost forgotten by the recent generation of both countries. This suite symbolizes the romanticism of the story as well as the friendship between Indonesian and Cambodians in the old days through the role of King Jayawarman II, a prince from once lived in Java that rule Champa from the beginning until the middle of the 9th century.
The Apsara Suite of Hotel Tugu Malang is open for its distinguished guests only. Those who share the same respect for Indonesian and Cambodian romantic history are the ones considered to be the appropriate viewers for this special venue.
For more information and reservation, don’t hesitate to reach us at (+62341) 363 891 or by Whatsapp +62 813-3491-9097, and through social media Instagram @hoteltugu_malang or visit our website at