I N V I T A T I O N You are cordially invited to an art exhibition entitled Divine Light Tales of a Romantic Nymph in a Fabled Land by Laila Dempster 4 – 11 December 2013 11 AM – 8 PM Daily Tugu Kunstkring Paleis Jalan Teuku Umar No. 1 Jakarta Pusat 10350 Born …
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ― Dalai Lama XIV Let’s start to do something..Embracing yourself and creating happiness through an ART THERAPY WORKSHOP…..
TUGU KUNSTKRING PALEIS Jalan Teuku Umar No. 1, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350 INDONESIA Telepon (62-21) 390-0899 | Fax (62-21) 390-0898 E-Mail workmoretalkless[at]gmail[dot]com Tugu Kunstkring Paleis -proudly presents- AsiAttic Exotic & Alluring Asian Interior Design EXHIBITION & SALE AsiAttic is a newly launched boutique brand, bringing to Jakarta the best inspiration and freshest ideas to help …
TUGU KUNSTKRING PALEIS Jalan Teuku Umar No. 1, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350 INDONESIA Telepon (62-21) 390-0899 | Fax (62-21) 390-0898 E-Mail workmoretalkless[at]gmail[dot]com Tugu Kunstkring Paleis -proudly presents- Kampilation Contemporary Art Exhibition by Paisi Explorer, artist, multilinguist, Pascal Hierholz, or Paisi as he is known to friends, has always had a deep affinity for the …
TUGU KUNSTKRING PALEIS Jalan Teuku Umar No. 1, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350 INDONESIA Telepon (62-21) 390-0899 | Fax (62-21) 390-0898 E-Mail workmoretalkless[at]gmail[dot]com Tugu Kunstkring Paleis -proudly presents- Creating Happiness Art Therapy Workshop Series in collaboration with Dr. Monty P. Satiadarma, Senior Psychologist & Angela Astri Soemantri, Educational Psychologist Beginning in August 2013, Tugu Kunstkring …
TUGU KUNSTKRING PALEIS Jalan Teuku Umar No. 1, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350 INDONESIA Telepon (62-21) 390-0899 | Fax (62-21) 390-0898 E-Mail workmoretalkless[at]gmail[dot]com Tugu Kunstkring Paleis -proudly presents- Kunstkring Bijoux Deluxe The Art of Personal Adornment Jewelry Exhibition & Sale During the month of July 2013, Tugu Kunstkring Paleis is once again busy Celebrating Creativity with …