Dengan selalu mengimplementasikan standar protokol kebersihan dan kesehatan yang ketat, Hotel Tugu Bali berhasil mendapatkan hasil memuaskan pada uji sertifikasi CHSE (Clean, Health, Safety, and environment) dari Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (KEMENPAREKRAF). Sebelumnya, Hotel Tugu Lombok juga telah mengantongi sertifikat CHSE ini serta Safe Hotels – CovidClean sejak bulan November lalu. KEMENPAREKRAF telah menetapkan …
YEAR END HOLIDAYS WITH TUGU HOTELS While 2020 has flown by in a blink of an eye, it’s almost always mandatory to reflect on the passing year to plan ahead for the coming year. Spend meaningful time with loved ones in the best destinations with our irresistible offers for your year end holidays. HOTEL TUGU …
Lombok adalah surganya wisata bahari, mulai dari pantai, gili hingga dasar lautnya yang menakjubkan. Jika berbicara pantai, banyak pantai di Lombok yang mengundang decak kagum akan keindahan dan keunikan pantainya, tak terkecuali Pantai Sire. Keindahan pantai ini sangat menakjubkan dengan pasir putihnya yang menyatu dengan hamparan laut yang tenang serta padang rumput dan pohon kelapa …
Artikel asli diterbitkan oleh Harpers Bazaar Indonesia. Baca DI SINI. Penulis: Erlissa Florencia Musim liburan sebentar lagi akan tiba, namun sayangnya kondisi akibat pandemi masih belum dapat diprediksi. Kerinduan untuk berlibur terkadang harus membuat kita berpikir dua kali, terutama jika harus menggunakan alat transportasi publik yang membutuhkan sejumlah syarat khusus dan pertimbangan kebersihan …
Work from Paradise from Hotel Tugu Bali or Lombok Stay Longer, Save More Change that beach zoom backdrop screen for the real deal. Gain new perspectives, get energized, and find new inspirations as you set up your work station in paradise. You can choose where to work from from various private venues in the most beautiful …
Stay Longer & Work from Paradise at Hotel Tugu Bali or Hotel Tugu Lombok Change that beach zoom backdrop screen for the real deal. Gain new perspectives, get energized, and find new inspirations as you set up your work station in paradise. Choose where to work from various private venues in the most beautiful of …
You Are Invited to Wagyu Steak party! 1-31 September 2020 Indulge in top grade Australia Wagyu Steaks grilled a la minute by our Chef and enjoy the Special discount for this month! Wagyu Tenderloin (grade 9) ONLY IDR 768,000++ Wagyu Striploin (grade 5) ONLY IDR 358,000++ Wagyu Rib-Eye (grade 6) ONLY IDR 398,000++ Wagyu Tenderloin (grade …
The Best Destination For Social Distancing Holiday Hotel Tugu Bali & Hotel Tugu Lombok Breathe in the salty air and breathe out all your worries at the best destination for Social Distancing Holiday. With individual spacious villas dispersed over 6 hectares of tropical lawns; with sea & mountains of Lombok everywhere you look, enjoy the luxurious …
What’s the one that is always happening in Bali? Ask around and most of the answer will lead to watching sunset in Canggu, known by its hip name ‘the Gu’. Located on Bali’s south coast and dubbed as the “new Seminyak”. Canggu is known for its terrific rolling waves, dark coloured sand beaches, fantastic food, …
Tugu Luxurious Dining Experience at Your Home Enjoy a lavish 5-star dining experience at home the Tugu style with full service and implementation of strict hygiene protocols. Minimum spend of IDR 1,500,000 ++ (for up to 5 persons) applies. *subject to 21% government tax and service charge Further information: Melati Restaurant – 082231263723 Stay …
The Art of Fine Dining – Etiquette Course at Hotel Tugu Malang Refine your already polished dining skill, while learning on the amusing and rich history behind the manners that we still use today. You will be introduced to all styles of dining etiquette (formal and informal) while enjoying a delicious meal with a lavish …
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-75, Restoran Melati mengusung tema unik “8 Tradisi Makanan Bungkus Daun jawa Kuna”, mulai tanggal 15 – 31 Agustus 2020. Dipilihnya tema ini adalah sebagai ajakan untuk kembali ke tradisi sambil mehamami lebih dalam manfaat bungkus daun pisang yang ternyata mengandung banyak antioksidan. Selain manfaat kesehatan yang …